A selection of things people say about Rainbow Playgroup


My eldest son and my middle son both attended Rainbows and really missed it when they left. I’m sure #3 will attend soon also. Endless amounts of fun, singing, dancing, stories, crafts, toys and technology-you couldn’t ask for anything more and added to that a fantastic team of wonderful nurturing ladies


Rainbow have been amazing helping with our younger daughter’s speech. They were on it from day one and we feel in very safe and experienced hands. Our elder daughter had a very happy two years of endless craft, painting, baking, music and the “learning hut”. Rainbow helped her grow in confidence so she was ready to start school. The proof is in the pudding! Daughter now at school won prizes for her love of learning and house point champion! Proud mummy moment but also credit to Rainbow Playgroup for preparing her so well for Big School. Thank you!


Parents speak highly of the care and education the manager and her staff provide. They comment that the “incredible” staff team plays a fundamental role in their child’s development. Parents note that communication with staff about their child’s progression is exemplary and they are given help and advice to support their children’s learning at home.

Ofsted Inspection 2023

We can’t tell you how grateful we are for your consistently brilliant work over the last year or so. Not once have we had a concern about him at nursery which is testament to you all for upholding such high standards and positive energy no matter the challenges or the weather! Thank you for giving us peace of mind every day of the week, allowing us to live our lives with a safe, happy boy. You’ve surpassed every expectation.


We cannot thank you enough for all you have done. There hasn’t been a single day she didn’t want to come. She is always so excited on a ‘Rainbow’ day. Thank you for providing a happy, supportive and welcoming place for our little girl. You’ll never know how much its meant.


Thank you so much for being such a wonderful happy place to be a part of over the last 2-3 years. To hand your children over with such trust and peace of mind means so much. She has thrived in the environment at Rainbow and we are so grateful.


Thank you for everything you do. She is so happy and it’s a joy to see her grow and develop after every session


We wanted to thank you for providing such an enriching environment for these children. It is clear that you are so in touch with their interests and needs. Rainbow is a gem we are proud to be a part of.
